FAQ About our Date Change

We’ve compiled a list of the questions we think people will ask (and will be updating as we get new questions) about our date move.

Are you changing your name?

No. We will still be Costume-Con 39… Costume-Con 39† Our theme, Things That Go Bump in the Night will remain the same. 

Will there be any Costume-Con activity at all in 2021?

Costume-Con 39 will be hosting Things That Go Bump On the ‘Net, a variety of virtual workshops, panels, and content over the course of 2021, including on what would have been the weekend of the convention (April 23-26). However, we will not be virtually hosting any of the major competitions (Single Pattern, Future Fashion Folio, Science Fiction & Fantasy, or Historical Masquerades).

Will “Evil Ted” Smith still be your Maker Guest of Honor?

Yes. He has agreed to attend the convention on the new dates and will be helping provide some virtual content before then.

Are you still allowing Single Pattern and Future Fashion Folio entries from Costume-Con 38?

Costume-Con 40 will be hosting the entries for Costume-Con 38.

If you had an entry for CC38’s shows and wish to participate, please contact the directors via the following e-mails:
singlepattern@costume-con40.org (Judy Mitchell)
FFF@costume-con40.org (Nora Mai- booklet and Karen Heim, show)

Are you doing anything special for CC39 related to the move?

Yes!  We will be doing a special dagger themed contest.  Details to follow.

Will there be a Costume-Con 41?

No. Costume-Con 39 is taking the place of 41. Numbering will resume with Costume-Con 42 in 2024.

What is going to happen to site selection?

Costume-Con as an entity moved to a two year bid cycle rather than a three year bid cycle in 2018. Therefore, Costume-Con 39† in 2023 will vote on Costume-Con 43 in 2025. Costume-Con 40 in Bethesda, Maryland will vote on Costume-Con 42.

I reserved a hotel room…now what?

The hotel will automatically cancel your current room reservation. The reservation system is only capable of going one year out from an event, so a new room block will be opened in April of 2022.

I would like a refund on my membership.

You may apply for a refund until April 22, 2021. If you choose to re-purchase a membership later, it will be at the posted price. You may apply for a refund at info@costumecon39.org



    • Karen – Stay tuned for details. We were getting ready to release the FFF when this all happened. We need a little bit of time to regroup and then we should be releasing it fairly soon.

    • Bob – This isn’t really a “rollover”, we are just shifting the dates. But we are hoping everyone will want to still join us in 2023.

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