Staff and Volunteer Info
Interesting in volunteering or being staff for Costume-Con 39? Want more info before deciding? You’re in the right place.
What’s the difference?
Staff are generally people who are doing a specific job in a specific department, which may entail working before, during, or even after the convention.
Volunteers are generally people who are available to work wherever they are needed, in any job/department, and generally only during the convention.
The Staff List shows senior staff, each of whom serves as a point of contact if you think you want to be staff or volunteer for them.
Current staff openings include:
– Programming Lead
– Vendor Lead
– Registration Lead
– Audio/Visual Lead (for main events)
– House Manager (for main events)
– Doll/Dagger Competition Director
– Social Media Manager
– and others
Sign up here!
And if you’re not sure, send us e-mail at