Lindsay Tallman
Lindsay Tallman’s costuming takes her all over the map and all over history and her imagination. She nurses a particular affinity for Disney costuming, and is convinced she is actually an animated princess trapped in a human body. She loves pleated ruffles, big hoop skirts, and strategically-padded corsetry. Lindsay is active in the cosplay community and attends Costume College and CostumeCon as often as schedules (and distances!) allow.
Lindsay cut her teeth running the Masquerade at Anime Los Angeles from 2007 to 2018, where it grew from a small competition at a local convention to a destination, drawing contestants from all over the country. She takes great pride in the show that she built, and is grateful for the numerous friendships that she made with staff, judges, and contestants over the years.
Lindsay’s goal at Costume-Con 39 is to provide a fair competition, an entertaining show, and a pleasant experience for all contestants. After years of both competing and running shows, Lindsay has learned much about what works and doesn’t work, and about what small details can make or break a contestant’s enjoyment. She’s looking forward to taking on this event and making it a year to remember!